Oracle’s impact: our research success stories

Oracle’s mission is to invest in research that will have the greatest impact on head and neck cancer patients

Oracle has a history of funding successful research. Over the last five years, the charity has spent more than £1.5m on world-class research programmes. Below are just some examples of how Oracle’s work is leading to better outcomes for patients.

These breakthroughs simply would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors and fundraisers. Learn more about how you can support our work.

© John Angerson
160314 - ICR impact report 2016
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Our mission is to discover newer and kinder treatments for patients

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Our life-saving work relies on the money you give us.

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Past Projects


Detecting HPV to predict the presence of cancer

Dr Jen Lee
The Institute of Cancer Research

Head and neck cancer risk assessment tool

Dr Paula Bradley

University of Sunderland

Investigating IDO immune-status in head and neck cancer

PhD project led by Prof Andrew Mellor

Newcastle University

Paving the way for new gene therapy

Novel treatments for Cancer: Gene-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (GDEPT)

Prof Chris Nutting

Reducing the damage to taste following radiotherapy

Project led by leading radiotherapy expert Prof Chris Nutting

The Royal Marsden Hospital London

Reducing the effects of radiation on swallowing

Methods of improving swallowing through development of novel advanced radiotherapy techniques

Solving the problem of treatment resistance

CHK1 inhibitor-mediated radiation sensitization in head and neck cancer models

Squamous carcinoma of the tongue

Oracle is funding a pathologist to work on a pioneering tongue cancer study under Dr Amen’s supervision.

Stopping Cancer cells from repairing themselves after radiotherapy

Identify a new drug combination that will be able to block the ability of cancer cells to repair themselves after radiotherapy treatment.

Studying the immune effects of ATR inhibition

Project led by Prof Kevin Harrington

The Institute of Cancer Research